心學<<易>>鉤沉 = Exploring the Yijing through mind-heart learning

心學<<易>>鉤沉 = Exploring the Yijing through mind-heart learning
作者 賀廣如著
作者 - 廣如
ISBN 9789863508021
出版社 國立臺灣大學出版中心出版 :國立臺灣大學發行
出版地 [台北市]
主題 易學 ; 研究考訂 ; 宋代 ; 明代
出版日期 2024.03.01
電子資源 電子書刊送存閱覽服務系統
分類號 121.17
  • 書籍介紹


This book explores a unique approach in the history of academic thought in the Song and Ming Dynasties—the interpretation of the Yijing through Mind-Heart Learning. It begins by challenging the Siku Quanshu Zongmu and revising the origin of the school of Xinxue Yi. It then delves into the works of several prominent scholars, including Yang Cihu, Wang Longxi, Ji Pengshan, Guan Dongming, Sun Ying’ao, etc., to trace the intellectual lineage of Yijing studies through the lens of Mind-Heart Learning from the Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty. The book demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the relevant research, with eloquent writing, profound and detailed arguments, extensive data collection, and reliable and convincing conclusions. It has made a significant scholarly contribution to the study of the Yijing and Mind-Heart Learning.

  • 作者介紹


Ho, Goang-Ru
Professor of Department of Chinese Literature, National Central University

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